Thursday, October 27, 2005


Ugh. Me sick. Fever, cold, cough...the works. :-(

Stupid peanut, always getting wet, wet, wet in the rain. The thing is, I just can't seem to help it. It seems so obvious. Its like...err..."At night it gets dark". Similarly, "If it rains, one must get wet". I guess thats ok. The problem being that "If one is soaked to the bone, one must dry her hair so she doesn't die of some sort of sickness" does not seem to enter my head. Duh!!! Aaaargh...

So yesterday I had a fever of around 102 degrees (farenheit, for all you dumbasses that are invariably going to ask). There was a chem test at school which I had tried studying for. She had told us day before that the test was going to be in the last period, so with great difficulty I lifted myself off the bed and dragged myself to school one period earlier, to find that the class had written the test in the 7th period. Pizzin' off, is it not? :-D
But never fear!!! My stories have happy endings. The teacher let me write the test in the last period anyway...

Got rained in. No school today or tomorrow. Joy!!!!!!!!!! Bwahahahaaa...been lazing around at home.

My mommy's in Mumbai. I miss her!!!!!

As is obvious, I'm still devoid of inspiration. Give me ideas....please...sorry for such a boooring post....

Much love...

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hey everyone...

It feels like its been a really long time since I blogged. My comp had crashed for a while. I'm so happy its back.

My mom's gone to bombay this week. :( She left like an hour ago and I'm already missing her. It's going to be a loooong week...

I saw Iqbaal on Thursday night...I loved the movie. Naseeruddin shah's acting was amazing...

Anyway...right now I have no clue what to blog about. I need inspiratrion!


Sunday, October 16, 2005


Today is Sunday, October 16th, 2005.

Millions of babies took their first breath of air today. Millions of people took their last breath today. Today may have been a very special day in the lives of many, many people.

But for me, what is today? Just another day. Just another ordinary day. Eat, sleep, study for a while, go for tuition, and then here I am, back home. Blogging. After today gets over, it will disappear. Sunday, October 16th, 2005 will disappear into the nothingness that most of the days of my (almost) 17 years of life have disappeared into. A few years from now, I won't remember today. Heck, a few days from now, I probably won't remember today. Why? Because I haven't made today something for me to remember. I have not lived my life today in a way that will make me look back upon this day as...anything.

Its not that I want to remember today as the day of a particular occurence or incident. That I can't expect. And I'm not looking for fun either. I want each and every single day of my life to stand out because of a feeling. The feeling that I could not have lived that day any better. Or any more. The feeling that I could not have given myself any more in life because of the way that I have been throughout the day. The feeling that I have given the world my 100% all through that day.

But how? Everyone needs to eat, sleep. I definitely need to study. I do whatever I have to, I waste some time. Even if I think back, I don't see what I could have done differently today. Wake up earlier? Study more? I know that I will not go to sleep tonight feeling satisfied with my day. I know that I will feel that there is something missing, that there is something more that I could have done. But what is that something? I have no answer.

The more I think about it, the more I realize just how short life is. The past few years of my life have gone past in a flash. The next few will too. Where will I be? What will I be doing? These are questions that only time can answer. And I'm not in a hurry. But my fear is that I will wake up one morning, say 15 years from today, and I will think to myself that I have not given myself what I deserve. That I am not being what I can be - what I'm capable of being. And that October 16th, 2020 will be another day that disappears into nothingness. Without that feeling.

'Live' - its a funny word. Most people don't live. They just exist. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to live. LIVE. I want to give myself everything I can. And by doing so, by making me more, I want to give the world everything I can.

Excuse my rambling. There are too many thoughts in my head. I don't know if this post has made even a bit of sense.

I once heard that every single person starts dying from the moment they're born. It's true. Think about it.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

How to be a good teacher

Greetings, everyone!

I've realized that the teachers in our school have quite a tough time. Being a good teacher in any of the Chennai schools is not half as easy as it seems. And as all schools ensure that the students have the very best of teachers for all subjects, their requirements in hiring teachers are extremely specific. So I've decided to tell all of you what exactly these requirements are, just in case you want to give it a shot....

Disclaimer: This post is just for fun. Please don't take offense.

1. Communication skills of teachers are very important. Teachers should pronounce certain words in specific ways. For example,

    • square : skwa-yar
    • point : po-yint
    • a : ye
    • example : yek-jaam-puL
    • bubble : bubbuL
    • organic : aar-go-nic
    • thrower : thro-yer
    • unit: yoo-nich
    • nine: na-yan
    • have: ghawe
    • globalamine: go-paal-a-min
Also, the vocabulary of teachers should be such that certain words are replaced by others
A few examples are:

    • the word 'lengthy' should always be used in place of 'long'. The usage of the word 'long' is strictly prohibited. "Your exam paper will be long" or "Don't write very long answers for 2 mark questions" will not be tolerated. Instead, a true teacher would say "Your exam paper will be very lengthy " or "Make sure the answers for 2 mark questions are not lengthy"
    • words such as 'difficult' or 'hard' must never be used. Instead, they use the word 'cumbersome'.
2. Teachers should be willing to pour their hearts and souls (if they possess hearts and souls) into increasing the students' self esteem by using particular phrases or statements which never fail to serve this purpose. A few of these are:

    • "This is the worst class/batch ever!"
    • "With this attitude, all of you will surely fail the board exam"
    • "This attitude reflects on your poor upbringing."
    • "All of you are useless specimens in the class"
    • (In dramatic tone) "I call this sum...the DO OR DIE sum"
Occasionaly, they must ask amazingly thought provoking questions such as:

    • "Have you no shame?!?"
    • "Do you think I am a stupid?"
    • "How can you forget to do your homework? Do you forget to eat? Do you forget to come to school?"
    • "Shall we postpone your test? I have guests coming to visit. I have to go home and prepare paal payasam. I will not be able to set a question paper"
    • "Why do you come to school, man?"
    • "Why do you lie on the bench? Do you not possess a vertebral column?"
    • "Does this classroom look like a park to you?"
3. When the teacher wishes to gain the students' attention, she must only do so by banging her duster/marker pen on the bench in front, and screaming "Here! HERE!"

Note: The use of the word 'here' is mandatory. No other words can be used. The only modifications that can be made are in the volume or tone of the word 'here'.

4. The teacher must make the utmost effort to destroy any hint of interest that the student has in a subject. (This qualification usually comes quite naturally to all of the teacher)

5. The teacher must possess no knowledge whatsoever of the subject she is appointed to teach. (This is optional. Some teachers do have a hint of a clue about their subjects.)

6. The teacher must have an innate hatred for all students that she teaches.

These are only the main requirements. There are some more which, obviously, are of much less importance, such as the educational qualifications of the teacher, etc etc.

So thats that. Some very important information for all of you. Please keep it in mind.
Life's ok otherwise. Holidays....been wasting loads of time. I'm really dreading school opening again. Its hell from here onwards, as I have been assured of by many people (thanks, pk). Anyway, I shall go now...tata...

:D Please comment!!!!!!!!!
Lotss of love...