Monday, June 06, 2005

started school

Hi everyone = ) started today, and believe it or not, it wasn't too bad. Actually, (I cant believe I'm saying this) it did feel kinda nice to be back in school with everyone. Today was my last first day of school!! Seriously, I can't believe it. 12th standard is going to be soooooo busy...the year seems so long now, but I know that just like every other year, this year is going to just fly by...and then voila! What do you know, I would've finished school! Perhaps the 4 years of my life so far have been spent here in Chennai, the most part of which was spent in our very own BVM. Despite all the cribbing I do about life in general (read my previous blogs), I really really love our school, and I am going to be extremely sad to leave it. I did love living in the US, but I've had a superb time here, and I don't think I would have ever enjoyed life there as much as I do here. I'm so happy we came back to India. I recently spoke to one of my best friends in the US, and its almost scary. The conversation went something like this:
My Friend: "Like, OH MY GAWD!!! Adi, I can't like believe its you! I haven't talked to you in like...forever!!!"
Me : "Yeah I know! are you??"
Her : "I'm good...u?"
Me : "Yeah I'm fine. School is starting soon.... (and blah blah...). So you tell's xxx ?(xxx being a friend of ours there)

Her : "Yeah...he's good..."
Me : "Oh's everyone else there? How's school?"
Her : "Everyone's good. School's...well...ya know...i guess its good..."
Me : "Oh ok. Is there anything thats not 'good'?
Her : "HAAHAHAHA!! You're, like, the FUNNIEST!! Yeah...well..everything is good...u know..."
And so on...
Seriously, I can't thank my parents enough for bringing me back here to India. I'm loving the country more with every day I spend here, and now, I'm quite certain that I will never settle anywhere other than India. Life here is just so full. There's nothing missing. It's so...right!
So here I am now, just having started my 12th standard. I'm really quite nervous about this year, and generally nervous about what life has in store for me. But its more of an excited nervousness.
So I guess we'll see....


At 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't like having to face the change at first, but now I'm SO GLAD i'm here.
It's so NICE here! I love India!
But it really hurts when somebody picks on you because you aren't "completely" Indian (eg. having to pay in dollars at a certain school...bleddy...) I mean, when Indian-ness is what you want the most... and anyway, what decides where you are really "from"? Origin? Where you live? where you have lived? Where you were born? ...?


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